Pet parents love their furry friends and pet safety is a priority for them. Whether you have a cat or a dog at home, sometimes we unknowingly make mistakes that can prove to be harmful for our loved pets. Here are some common risky mistakes pet owners can make.
Is your dog well-trained? If your dog is poorly trained, you can run into unintentional pet-related falls. Many pet owners can get into dangerous situations if their pooches are not trained properly. Obedience training is the best way to make sure you are walking your dog. If you let your dog walk you, it is easy to slip or fall. Make sure your pet is trained before you head out for your daily walks.
It is a common misconception that spaying and neutering is harmful to pets. On the contrary, cats and dogs who are not spayed and neutered end up giving birth to an unwanted litter. These pups and kittens stay homeless especially when they do not find a suitable home. Spaying or neutering is a healthy choice for your pet. It lowers the risk of breast cancer in females and testicular cancer in males. Neutered and spayed pets are also less likely torun away from home especially during mating season. Moreover, pets show less aggression when they have been spayed and neutered. The best way to decide is to talk to the vet.
One of the most common mistakes pet parents make is to keep their furry friend’s tummy constantly full. Cats and dogs end up eating more than they need. If food is always available, pets can gain weight easily with all the excess calorie intake. Excessive food intake can also make your loved pet lazy and unmotivated. Ask your vet about a proper feeding schedule and try to balance wet and dry food intake so your pet does not eat more than necessary. Over-feeding can also cause bug problems because food standing out for too long can attract unwanted pests like cockroaches or ants. If you've had this happen, we'd recommend using our friends at Pest Detective to professionally take care of any pesky bug problems so that you pets can eat in peace.
Just like us, our loved pets need plenty of exercises to stay fit and active. Without sufficient exercises our pets can get lazy and obese. Excess weight can potentially raise risk of other health issues such as arthritis and respiratory problems. Every breed is different, ask your vet about a proper exercise regimen for your loved pet.
Many pet parents think adult pets do not need attention. Nothing could be far from the truth. Just like children, pets get bored and feel lonely if they are not given enough attention and care. Dogs can bark excessively when they are bored, and they can also get aggressive. Bored cats may resort to excessive meowing, overeating, and furniture scratching if they are not given attention. One of the best ways to give your pet time is to play with them. Playtime not just keeps them active, it helps them stay sharp and motivated. Hiding their favorite treats so they can look for them is another great way of keeping them active. Teach your loved dog to play fetch, hide-and-seek or tug-of-war so they stay happy and fit.
Furthermore pet owners should keep their properties safe from unwanted pests. You can achieve this by avoiding the risky mistake of using over-the-counter pesticides that could harm their animals - instead, trust Pest Detective for pet-safe professional treatments that effectively eliminate pests while keeping your furry family members protected.
Are you a pet owner and need to head to the nearest pet store or the vet? Need a ride with your furry friend? Paws en route, a GTA-based pet taxi service, provides safe and timely pet transportation. Let us know if you have any questions. Book a ride with us today!