CargoJet Shipping Restrictions for Domestic Pets

July 7, 2021

Traveling by air can be stressful for many of us. For our four-legged friends, going on a long journey can be intimidating and disturbing. Relocating your pet globally can come with a lot of challenges, especially during a pandemic. However, being prepared can help pet parents navigate the new procedures effectively.

The following is a list of the updated shipping restrictions pertaining to domestic pets from Cargojet:

• Pets will not be accepted in an agitated of hostile condition

• Muzzles or other restraints impairing breathing or injuring the animal will not be accepted

• Pet carriers must be tendered clean and not have an offensive odor

• Pets must be at least 10 weeks of age and fully weaned at time of acceptance

• Sedated pets are not accepted unless:

o    pet owner signs a waiver releasing Cargojet of death as a result of sedation.

o    Veterinarian has issued a letter indicating the type of sedative, and dosage.

• Female cats and dogs in season should be separated should not be the same pet carrier as a male and it is recommended for the comfort of the male pets that you keep them in separate holds

• Food and water must have been offered within 4 hours of check in

• Pregnant dogs and cats over 30 days should not be accepted.  If visually apparent dog or cat is pregnant owner should provide a health certificate from a licensed vet indicating the breeding date and that the pet is FIT TO TRAVEL

• Shipper should provide written instructions concerning the handling, feeding and water requirements for the animal in case of delay.

• A maximum of two adult animals of comparable size up to 14kg each, that are compatible, may be shipped in the same container. Animals over that weight must travel individually. Animals up to six months old from the same litter, up to 14kg each, up to a maximum quantity of three, may be shipped in the same container.

• There must be no visible sign of an injury, illness or evidence of a recent surgery

Paws en route is diligently monitoring COVID-19 situation closely and we will continue to keep our pet transportation services available to the communities we serve. We will be there for your pet taxi needs to drive your loved pets to the airport and to book their air travel in a safe and timely manner.

Do you have any questions? Looking to book a trip for your pet? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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