How Often Should Your Pet Visit the Vet?

July 8, 2021

Regular visits to the veterinary doctor are essential for your dog’s safety or your kitten’s wellbeing. Whether you have a cat or a dog (or both), it is important to find a good vet, so the health of your loved pets is in reliable hands.

We know that our pets need regular checkups to stay healthy but what does regular mean and how many visits are optimal? When our pets are a few months old, we tend to take them for regular check-ups, vaccinations, and booster shots. But with time, the frequency of trips tends to change.

The frequency of your pet’s visit to the doctor depends on their age, breed, overall health and lifestyle.

Kittens or Pups:

These little fur babies need to see their vet every month until they reach the age of 4 months. This period is primarily dedicated to getting regular vaccinations and to check for other illnesses. For those who are interested in getting their kitten spayed or neutered, vets usually suggest bringing them back when they are 6 months old. During these months, the vet also examines your puppy or kitten to make sure they are growing well and show no sign of illness.

Adult Dog & Cat Checkups:

Adult cats or dogs either get checkups every 6 months or yearly. During the physical exam, the vet determines if they need any further examinations or tests. A healthy dog and cat require dental checkups to watch for gingivitis, infection or general teeth cleaning. If you notice any uncommon behavior in your pet, maybe they are going through pain or feeling uncomfortable due to an underlying cause. It is best to consult the doctor and ask questions for your dog’s safety or your cat’s wellbeing.

Older Cats and Dogs:

Cats are considered mature when they are between the age of 7 to 10. Cats also tend to hide signs of illness, so any strange behavior or personality changes should be communicated to the doctor.

Older dogs, like cats, can develop health conditions such as arthritis and cancer. Routine health checks can help detect any problems that may be new or persisting. Older cats should see their doctor twice a year and if they show a cause for concern at any given moment, they ideally should see the doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis of any underlying problem is key to providing proper care and treatment.

In Cases of Emergency:

You have chosen a vet for your pet, but have you made sure if they offer emergency services? It is extremely important to check and keep addresses of clinics that offer emergency care in case your pet needs immediate attention. Some vets are only available during weekdays. Sometimes unexpected issues can arise, and we can plan and be prepared. Keep the number and address of an emergency veterinary clinic saved in your phone.

Has your pet experienced an accidental injury? Do you feel they are in pain? A pet taxi service in Toronto like Paws en route can provide safe and timely pet transportation to the animal hospital or the Vet Emergency Clinic so your loved pets can get the care and treatment they deserve.

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