Are you a dog owner and an ardent runner? Many runners love taking their loved pets with them when they head out. Did you recently get a new dog and wondering if your pooch should accompany you on your daily runs?
Here are some things to consider if you are going for a run with your dog:
Not all dogs are cut out for running and you may find your dog is happier with daily walks. Walking gives your dog to explore its surroundings at a leisurely pace. Running requires a lot of physical exertion and some dogs may not be able to do that. Certain dogs are also sensitive to heat and can not cool themselves off properly. Some of the best running dogs include Labrador, Pit Bull, Shepherds, Golden Retriever, Husky, or a Greyhound.
Some dog breeds have long histories of health concerns such as joint problems. It is always recommended to talk to the vet about your pet’s safety and health concerns. A vet can guide a pet parent and suggest some preventative supplements for dogs.
Do not take your puppies out for a run! Dogs are considered adults when they are a year old. If you have a large breed that looks older but is not, it is best to let them play indoors till they are 12 to 18 months old. And even if you have an adult dog who is not used to running, start slowly so they get used to running faster. You can start with longer walks combined with short runs and extend the duration gradually. Allow intervals of rest while running to help build stamina.
Tick prevention is extremely important for dogs. You can find the best flea medicine for dogs in different forms. With so many options out there, finding the best tick protection can be stressful. Ask your vet for recommendations so they can suggest the appropriate one.
It is especially important to take breaks when you are out running with your dog. Be sure to stop often so your dog can rest or cool off. Preventing dehydration is just as important. Keep water with you when you are outdoors to prevent the dog from feeling dehydrated. Like us, our pets also need to feel hydrated, especially when they are physically active.
If the weather is too hot, it is better to keep your pets indoors. Running on hot asphalt is also harmful so it is best to avoid running on it if your dog is with you. If it is too hot for you it is also too hot for your dog’s paws. Severe heat and rising temperatures can lead to dehydration, heatstroke, and heat exhaustion. If your dog shows any signs or symptoms related to heatstroke, visit your vet immediately.
Are you thinking of taking your dog to the vet for a check-up before taking them for a run? Maybe you need some accessories for them before heading out? Paws en route, a Toronto pet taxi service, provides safe and timely pet transportation. Let us know if you have any questions. Book a ride with us today!