Toxic Food for Pets

July 7, 2021

Cats and dogs are curious by nature. As a pet parent, you may find your loved furry friends come to you whenever you sit down to eat or if you are preparing a dish in the kitchen. They want a taste of what you are eating and while some foods may be safe for them to try, many food items are toxic to pets.

Here are some of the commonly used food items that can be harmful to cats and dogs:


Are you a coffee drinker? Many of us tend to leave half-full mugs and cups around the house. Caffeine is a stimulant that helps us stay awake, but it is toxic for our pets. If your pet accidentally consumes coffee, it could lead to increased heart rate and you notice a lot of hyperactivity. Caffeine also raises blood pressure and causes cardiac arrhythmias, which can be dangerous.


Chocolate is not safe for dogs or cats because it contains caffeine and, in many cases, nuts. One of the most important pet safety tips includes keeping pets away from chocolate especially during the Halloween season. That is the time when children tend to leave candy and chocolate around the house. Pet parents must take extra precautions especially if they have kids. If ingested, symptoms can take hours to develop and some of the most common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, or seizures.

Fatty Food:

It is best not to leave too much food out on the counter or dining table, especially food that is high in fat and calories. Food that is high in fat can lead to vomiting and diarrhea in pets. It is a misconception that cats love milk. Dairy products like heavy cream, milk, or condensed milk can lead to indigestion and pancreatitis in cats. Some dog breeds such as miniature schnauzers, Shetland sheepdogs, and Yorkshire terriers appear to be more susceptible to a bout of pancreatitis than other breeds. Try not to share high caloric and high-fat foods such as burgers, hot dogs, steak, or fried food with your loved pets.


Avocados are high in fat and can lead to upset stomach, vomiting, or pancreatitis. If your cat is extremely curious and adventurous and tries to ingest the seed pit of the avocado, chances are it can get lodged in the intestinal tract. Cats are known to ingest small items out of curiosity. If ingested items are not naturally passed through the stool and get stuck in the intestines, they cause severe blockages that are only cleared surgically. Keep the dips away from the table or keep the food always covered so your pets do not get into any trouble.

Do you suspect your cat or dog ate something they should not have? Do you want to take them for a check-up just to remove any doubts? Paws en route can help. Paws en route, a GTA based pet taxi service, provides safe and timely pet transportation. Let us know if you have any questions. Book a ride with us today!


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